2016 Point-in-Time Count: Data Collection for Sheltered Populations

It’s happening! This year’s PIT count takes place on the night of Wednesday, 1/27 into Thursday, 1/28.

While HUD has made some changes to reporting requirements from previous years, the way we collect information pertaining to Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing programs will remain the same. We’ll use HMIS reports for those agencies that participate in HMIS, and for those that collect data in a comparable database, we’ll ask you to submit your data on a form that we’ll provide to you.

This year’s changes in reporting are related to information on chronic homeless status (relevant only the ES projects and calculated from questions on the first tab of the Entry Assessment TouchPoint and disability status) as well as separate reporting for youth (18 to 24 years). Providers using HMIS simply need to make sure that all HUD data elements are up-to-date and correct for persons who spent the night in their program on January 27th, 2016.

The deadline for data entry completion is Wednesday, February 10th. If you use HMIS, Planning and Development staff will run a report for your program/s and send it to you for confirmation. Providers who use a comparable database will have the same deadline for submitting information using a tabulation form.

HMISDana Nacer