FY 2019 – Local Competition Information

Each year the Cambridge Continuum of Care applies for funds for homeless services from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This annual grant competition brings about $4 million to the City’s continuum of housing and services. The FY 2019 CoC Program competition opened on July 3 and will close on September 30, 2019.

Please review the 2019 Local Competition Information document for important details about the Cambridge CoC’s competition, timeline, and project review, reallocation & ranking procedures.

The Homeless Services Planning Committee (HSPC) meeting on Tuesday, July 3o will focus on reviewing the process and procedures for the annual CoC competition. We encourage all organizations interested in applying for new projects to attend the meeting, even if you have not previously received or applied for funds through this grant program. If you can’t make the meeting, please reach out to Keitha at kcrozier@cambridgema.gov with any questions.