CCAN Assessor Training
Hello! This page provides an outline on what is required to become a Cambridge Coordinated Access Network (C-CAN) Assessor. C-CAN assessors help our unhoused neighbors by being an initial point of contact for our CE system and helping persons complete the Cambridge Streamlined Assessment tool. The steps for approval and becoming a trained assessor are below. You should plan to set aside about three hours for training and will be required to complete a responsibility statement.
Request a CCAN Assessor Training
If you would like to be a CCAN assessor, your supervisor will need to complete this form on your behalf: CCAN Assessor Training Request Form. Once received, CCAN staff will reach out with next steps.
Attain Clarity HMIS User License if Needed
You must have an active account in Clarity HMIS to record the Cambridge Streamlined Assessment. If you are not already an active user of Clarity HMIS in Cambridge, you will need to complete an HMIS beginner training to get your user license. Please visit the HMIS Training Schedule and Registration page for more information.
Watch CCAN Assessor Training Video
CCAN Assessor Training Video: watch the video in its entirety and reach out with any questions you have. The video is 22 minutes long.
Reference the training slides here.
Take CCAN Assessor Training Quiz
Once you have viewed the video, take the CCAN assessor training quiz. This consists of 20 questions, of which you must get 13 correct to pass (65%). You may reference the training materials while taking the quiz and can immediately see your score and feedback on incorrect answers.
Meet with CCAN Staff for In-Person Training
If you have successfully completed the above steps, CCAN staff will reach out to you to schedule a time to meet with them.
CCAN staff will provide you with the CCAN Assessor Responsibility Agreement Form, which must be signed before beginning to assess clients.