Cambridge CoC Governance Charter: Annual Review and Update
The Cambridge CoC is required to review and update its Governance Charter on an annual basis (24 CFR Part 578.7). The original Charter was adopted by the CoC in April 2014 after several weeks of review and revisions by CoC stakeholders. To facilitate the annual review process in 2015, CoC staff have updated the document, and it is available for review here: GovernanceCharter_June2015_Revised
Comments and suggested revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) on July 16, 2015 to All suggestions and revisions will be brought to the CoC’s Board who will make the final decision to approve the updated Governance Charter.
A few minor revisions have been made to the Governance Charter. They are summarized below for your convenience when reviewing the document.
Page #Description of revision2Removed the Coordinated Assessment Working Group from the
listing of Homeless Services Planning Committee (HSPC) subcommittees on page
3, and added its responsibilities (to establish and implement a coordinated
assessment and referral system, and to write written standards) to the
overall responsibilities of the HSPC.3Updated name of the Board subcommittee to match the name
used over course of past year (changed “Ranking Subcommittee” to “Evaluation
Panel”).3Added Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) funding allocation to
the responsibilities of the CoC Board’s Evaluation Panel.