Cambridge ESG Request for Proposals

The City of Cambridge’s Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP) is pleased to announce a RFP for Cambridge’s FY2015 entitlement Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program.  This application is for services to be delivered from July 1, 2014- June 30, 2015. This RFP is open to all nonprofit organizations providing homeless shelter and/or outreach programs in Cambridge.  For further details, please use the links below for the RFP  document and associated application materials.

Applications must be submitted to Michelle McCarthy, Planner/Contract Manager by Friday, April 18, at noon.

Cambridge FY15 ESG RFP (PDF)

FY15 ESG RFP Cover Narrative (download)

FY15 ESG Budget Spreadsheet (download)

Living Wage Fact Sheet (PDF)

AnnouncementsDana Nacer